Monday, August 15, 2011

178.0: Good Weekend

I was away from a computer this weekend so I couldn't post, but I was close to swim/bike/run. The number says it all. I find myself just a little frustrated though because I worked very hard (five workouts between Saturday and Sunday) for a pretty small gain. Seems that calories tack on much more quickly then they burn off. We'll see tomorrow - had tacos for dinner and although the rest of my day was very good nutritionally, dinner was not so much. My net is really where I started; 180 +/- 2 pounds. Gonna keep my chin up and no matter what I weigh, I'm eating MUCH better and haven't had a Diet Coke in quite a while. #winning

I was also able to avoid having any junk food at work! That's a victory unto itself, but I can see this isn't going to be so simple. Should be interesting.

Gonna go run three miles. Until tomorrow.

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